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German Beef Rouladen – Authentic Recipe

Posted on November 19, 2023 by admin

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German Beef Rouladen (or beef rolls) is a very delicious and popular German dish. It is not only popular during the holidays, it is served for Sunday lunches when the whole family and friends get together. They are called in German “Rindsrouladen”.
The German beef Rouladen are filled with bacon, onions, mustard and pickles, and are wrapped in thin sliced beef.

Served with mashed potatoes or Spaetzle and red cabbage, and a glass of red wine makes a delicious German dinner. You can get German Style pickles from the US brand Kruegermann, many local supermarkets carry the German brand Hengstenberg. You will find German mustard and pickles especially during the Oktoberfest season. Happy Cooking!

Ingredients German Beef Rouladen

(serves 6)
– 1 1/2 pounds flank steak (calculate 1 piece each person; if you can get it from a German butcher already sliced; if not slice it as thin as possible, about 1 cm or 0.5 inches thick)
– Dijon mustard or German style mustard, enough to spread a thin layer on each piece
– 1/2 pound smoked bacon (Speck) cut in thin slice (per slice meat 1 slice speck)
– 4 medium sized onions
– 3-4 pickles (preferably German pickles like from Hengstenberg or Kruegermann)
– 2 1/2 cups water (as needed)
– red wine to taste, about 1/4 cup or more
– 2-3 tsp clarified butter
– 1 celery stalk
– heavy cream or crème fraiche for the gravy
– some dryred wine for the gravy – optional but adds a nice taste
salt, pepper, mild or sweet red pepper (paprika) to taste

Cooking Instructions

– Cut the meat in 6 rectangular pieces, 1 cm or 1/2 inches thick, pound the meat if it is too thick.
– Spice them with salt, pepper and red pepper (paprika) on both sides.
– Spread mustard on the spiced side.
– Place one thin sliced bacon stripe on top.
– Chop pickles and onions. The pickles can also be sliced very fine.
– Add onions and pickles on the meat, then roll the slice.

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– Use sewing cotton or metal picks to prevent that they fall apart (don’t forget to remove them before serving).
– Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the rolls from all sides really well.
– Add celery leaves and another onion and quench it with water (or if you like you can use red wine instead).
– Put on the lid and let it simmer for at least 1 1/2 hours (the meat should be very tender and might need cook longer, depending on the meat).

Turn Rouladen one time and add more liquid if needed. Important is that the rolls should be always covered with liquid so they won’t get dry.

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Make The Gravy From Scratch

– Place the Rouladen on a plate, cover with a lid or foil, keep warm in the oven while making the gravy.
– Use the liquid with all ingredients, mix it very well, pour through a fine sieve.
– Mix, depending on how much liquid you have, 2-5 tbsp flour or potato/corn starch with a bit of cold water or red wine, add to the beef juice.
– Add some heavy cream or crème fraiche to the liquid.
– Bring gravy to a brief boil. Should the gravy not have thickened, add some more starch.
– Attention: Never use hot water with the starch otherwise it will clump.

If needed add some salt and pepper or 2 table spoon tomato paste (adds a nice darker color).

If you don’t want to make the gravy from scratch use some instant gravy and stir it up with some cream.
Serve it with mashed potatoes and vegetable (red cabbage or peas/carrots mix) or Spaetzle.
To save time for the next meal, make the double amount and freeze the rest (without the metal picks of course).
Instead using yarn to hold the rouladen together, you can use special rouladen skewers or ringsthat are available at Germanshop24.com.

Good Source for German Style Meat and Sausages

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German Sweet Bread with Hazelnut Filling – Nusszopf

Posted on November 13, 2023 by admin

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The “Nusszopf” or German sweet bread with a hazelnut filling is a classic German cake or pastry. It is made out of a yeast dough and filled with almonds or hazelnuts, braided. This is an authentic and proven German recipe. To make this German sweet bread you need to have some baking experience. It’s a great addition for the Sunday brunch or for the traditional coffee and cake table Sunday afternoons. Happy Baking!

Ingredients German Sweet Bread

500g flour
30g yeast (fresh) or 1 package dry yeast
1/4l lukewarm milk
80g butter
50g sugar
1 dash salt
zest of ½ organic lemon

Available Now! The German Bienenstich Baking Mix
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200g marzipan, raw
2 egg white
2 tbsp sugar
150g ground almonds or hazelnuts (or half/half)
2 cl rum
4 tbsp powdered sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp water

Baking Instructions German Sweet Bread

– Sieve flour in a bowl, form a mold in the middle, add or crumble yeast and mix with some milk and some flour.
– Let this starter or “pre-dough” raise for 15 minutes (covered with a clean kitchen cloth).
– Melt butter and mix it with sugar, salt, lemon peel, entire flour and starter dough.

Make the Filling
– Mix marzipan with egg whites, sugar, almonds and rum.
– Roll dough to dimensions 50×40 cm or 20 inches x 16 inches and spread filling on top.
– Roll it lengthwise and cut in half, then turn it into a braided bread (Zopf).
– Place it on a baking tray layered with baking paper and let it raise for 15 minutes.
– Pre-heat oven to 200 C or 350 F and bake it for 35 minutes on the lowest level.

Make the Glaze
Mix powdered sugar with lemon juice and water. Spread it over the hot braided bread.

Convert your ingredients online – click here

The Weckman Season

Posted on November 12, 2023 by admin

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In many parts of Germany the Weckman season starts with St. Martin’s Day. What is a “Weckman” you may ask? It’s a figure that is made out of yeast bread with raisin eyes and a smile and/or a clay pipe. Bakeries make them starting around St. Martin’s Day on Nov 11 until Saint Nicholas Day on the Dec 6th. It’s a lovely tradition that is missed so much!

This sweet bread speciality has many names which depend on the region where it is originated.
Rhineland/Saarland: Weckenmännchen
Southern Germany/Austria: Krampus
Switzerland: Grittibänz or Grättimaa
West Rhineland/Ruhrgebiet: Puhmann or Stutenkerl
Kleve: Klosmann
Eifel: Märtesmann or Piefeklos
Solingen: Böxepitte
Münsterland: Kiepenkerle
Mönchengladbach: Buggenmann
Bonn: Hirzemännenchen


The dough is good for 15 sweet buns, 15 raisins buns, 8 Weckmen or 1 sweet braided bread (Zopf).


500 g flour, all purpose, wheat
60 g butter
60 g sugar
7 g salt
35 g fresh yeast (see below) or 1 package active dry yeast
200 ml milk
1 egg
1 egg yolk for glazing

Baking Instructions

– Place flour into a bowl, add warm milk and mix in yeast, mix a bit with flour then let raise for 15 min.
– Add other ingredients and knead until dough is smooth and not sticky.Form to a ball.
– Let dough ball raise for another 20 minutes, covered and at a warm place.
– Knead again on a baking board and form the Weckmen: Use raisins for the eyes and buttons, place them on a baking tray layered with baking paper, let sit for another 20-30 min.
– Beat egg yolk and with a baking brush, brush it all over the dough, the Weckmen or whatever you are baking.
– Preheat oven to 220 C or 350 F and bake for 10-40 minutes (time is depending on what kind of bread you are making).
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– If you want to bake raisins buns mix about 120 g raisins to the dough.
Make the dough the night before. Place dough buns on a baking tray and keep in the fridge, cover it with a moist kitchen cloth. Bake in the morning and enjoy them fresh for breakfast.
– Use the dough as base for a prune or apple cake that will be baked on a deep baking tray.

VIDEO in multiple Languages – How to Make the Weckman

German Christmas Cookies Adventsschnitten

Posted on November 5, 2023 by admin

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The season for German Christmas Cookies starts in the so called “Adventszeit”, the 4 weeks before Christmas. The recipe “Adventsschnitten” or advent cookies is a delicious recipe for this time of the year. The cookies are spiced with cinnamon and cloves, and they pair nicely with a cup of Glühwein (mulled wine) or spiced apple cider. Happy Baking!

Ingredients Adventsschnitten

300g soft butter
5 eggs (medium)
300 g sugar
rum baking essence/flavor – (see below) to taste
400 g all purpose flour
1 package baking powder Dr Oetker – 0.5oz
5 tbsp cocoa powder, unsweetened
100 g Zitronat (candied lemon) – How to make Zitronat – See below
2 tbsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground cloves
200 g hazelnuts and 200g ground hazelnuts

250 g powdered sugar
100 ml dark rum
200 g apricot jam
100 g roasted grated hazelnuts or almonds

Baking Instructions

– Mix butter until smooth. Add slowly sugar and baking rum while mixing until you get a smooth dough.
– With mixer on highest level add one egg after the other, mixfor about 30 seconds.
– Mix flour with baking powder, cocoa and spices. Combine with the dough (mixer on lowest level), then add ground hazelnuts.
– Finally add Zitronat.
– On a greased baking tray (or parchment paper) spread the dough (area of 40 x 30 cm).
– Place a stripe of aluminum foil in front of the dough so it won’t overflow while baking.
– Spread whole hazelnuts on the entire dough, press them gently into the dough.
– Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees C or 325 F, bake for about 30 minutes.

Make a Special Gift – With Imported German Christmas Treats

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Add Frosting
Mix powdered sugar with rum and spread it all over the hot cake, let cool off.

Final Steps
Cut cake in cubes.
Spread apricot jam over all edges and roll them in finely grated or chopped hazelnuts or almonds.

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Authentic German Pfeffernusse Recipe for the Holidays

Posted on November 5, 2023 by admin

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This is an authentic German Pfeffernusse recipe as you would find in Germany. German Pfeffernusse are traditional Christmas cookies and very popular. You can find them in any bakery or supermarket in Germany. Get some German tradition into your home with this recipe. The ingredient Hirschhornsalz, in English Hartshorn or Ammonium Carbonate, is a traditional Gingerbread (Lebkuchen) ingredient since hundreds of years and was originally taken from deer’s antlers. What is the difference to regular baking powder then? It makes the dough raise but not in height, it makes it wider. Happy Baking!

Ingredients Authentic German Pfeffernusse Recipe

(for about 20 pieces)
125 g honey
50 g sugar
2 tbsp butter
250 g flour, all purpose, unbleached
1/2 tsp Hirschhornsalz (Ammonium Carbonate)
Ammonium Carbonate (Baker’s Ammonia) 2.7 ozOriginal German Recipes - Find the best German Food Recipes (18)
1 egg
2 tsp ginger bread spice – Such as Edora Lebkuchen Spice, 1 package – 0.5oz – see below
1/4 tsp white pepper (point of knife = Messerspitze, that is a tiny amount)
– How to Make Lebkuchen Spice –
1 dash salt
125 g powdered sugar
1 tbsp rum or natural rum flavor

Make someone Smile with this Special German Gift!

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Baking Instructions

– Combine butter, honey and sugar, warm it until it has melted.
– Mix flour, egg, Hirschhornsalz and spices, add honey dough and knead it thoroughly with a hand mixer using the kneading hooks or use your hands.
– Form balls out of the dough and bake them on 190 C or 375 F for 12 minutes.
– Bake next portion only for 10 minutes.
– Make the glaze out of powdered sugar and rum and a bit of water by mixing all ingredients well until smooth.
– Spread glaze over the cooled off cookies and let them dry.
– These cookies are hard at the beginning. Keep them at least 2 days in a tin box with a piece of bread or a piece of apple aside; this will make the cookies soft.

If you like you can make a dark chocolate glaze and spread it on half of the cookies, and have the other half side white.

German Lebkuchen Bites For Holidays and Christmas

Posted on November 5, 2023 by admin

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In Germany there is no Christmas without Lebkuchen. The German Lebkuchen Bites are an alternative to the the regular gingerbread cookies. Important is the Lebkuchen spice that is a must add, like in the USA you add these spices to a pumpkin pie which make a unique taste. Happy Baking!

Ingredients German Lebkuchen Bites

Makes 45 pieces
70 g dark unsweetened or semi-sweet chocolate
200 g soft butter
200 g powdered sugar
2 eggs
70 g ground hazelnuts
1 tbsp baking powder, salt
2 tbsp brown rum
2 tbsp Lebkuchen spice or all spice (see below)
How to Make the Lebkuchen Spice –
250 g flour
2 packages cake glaze (in German it’s a so called Kuchenglasur) preferably white but dark one will be ok too; alternatively use white or dark unsweetened baking chocolate – Find the Kuchenglasur here –
50 g dried unsweetened apricots

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Baking Instructions German Lebkuchen Bites

– Chop chocolate with a knife and melt it by using the double-boiler method.
– Place butter in a big bowl and sieve powdered sugar over it.
– By using a hand mixer mix until bubbly.
– Add eggs, chocolate, hazelnuts, baking powder, pinch of salt, rum and spice,
– Mix until you get a smooth dough.
– Place baking paper on a baking tray and spread the dough evenly on it (about 1,5 cm thick).

– Bake it in preheated oven for 25 minutes on 160 C or 320 F.
– Remove the tray and let cool off thoroughly.
– With a round cutter cutter cut circles out of the dough; place them on a grid.
– Melt the glaze per instructions.
– Spread it over the bites, then decorate with small apricot pieces when glaze is still wet..

(Source: Essen und Trinken 11/1996)

German Quark Streusel Cake with Fruit

Posted on October 24, 2023 by admin

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What about a Quark Streusel Cake with fruit to combine with a cup of German coffee or tea? My favorite German coffee is from Tschibo. This is an authentic and proven German recipe, you just have to make the quark which is not so difficult. There are also alternatives for quark – Curious what it is? Check out our article: Substitutes for Quark – If you cannot get the desired fresh fruit use alternatively frozen or canned fruit. Trader Joes or ALDI carry the sour cherries in the jar. Happy Baking!

Check this out: HOW TO MAKE QUARK

Ingredients German Quark Streusel Cake

250 g butter
200 g sugar (or less depending on your taste for sweetness)
1 package vanilla sugar – 0.5oz
1 egg
1 dash salt
1 package baking powder – 0.3oz
500 g flour

1 kg quark
200 g sugar
1 package vanilla pudding – 1.5 oz (alternatively corn starch and vanilla extract)
juice of half lemon
1 egg
1 jar sour cherries or other fruit like raspberries or blueberries (fresh, jar or frozen) – 24oz

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Baking Instructions German Quark Streusel Cake

– Melt butter, let cool off.
– Combine all dough ingredients and knead until you get a crumbly dough.
– Keep 1/4 of the dough.
– Layer a high side baking tray (Height 2 inches) with parchment paper.
– Press 3/4 of the dough evenly on the baking tray.

– Pre-heat oven to 375 F (175 C).
– Mix all ingredients – NOT THE FRUIT – for the topping, and spread evenly over the dough.
– Place the fruit on top plus the remaining dough as Streusel (if you use frozen fruit, defrost it first and drain all liquid).
– Bake for 30-35 min on the middle rack.

Make a Streusel Cake with this Baking Mix – So Easy

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Halloween Recipes: Bloody Hands

Posted on October 20, 2023 by admin

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It is time for great Halloween recipes like the Bloody hands recipe. It is an original German recipe but it is easy to make. You find all ingredients for the German Halloween recipes on LoveGermanfood.com, Amazon or in your local super market. This is for sure a scary dessert!
The hands are made out of Dr. Oetker Vanilla pudding and the blood is made out of raspberries with cherry juice. Happy Cooking and Happy Halloween!

Ingredients Halloween Recipes Bloody Hands

2 packages of Vanilla pudding Dr. Oetker – How to Make Vanilla Pudding –
1 liter milk
sugar as per instructions or to taste

For the Sauce:

250 g frozen raspberries, 2 tbsp sugar, 100ml cherry juice

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Cooking Instructions

– Make the pudding per instructions but don’t use too much milk, the pudding should be very firm, so use less.
– Fill pudding in 2 rubber gloves (without a powdery layer inside!). The best is to get some help of someone else. One person holds the glove, the other one pours the pudding into the glove. If you don’t have a helper, place the glove into a cup and pour the pudding in several steps and not at once.
– Close the gloves with paper clips, and keep them in the fridge for some hours so it will get firm.
– Put raspberries into a pan and bring them with sugar and juice to a boil; puree or mash them with a stick mixer, then let cool off. Place in the fridge for 3-4 hours.
– When the hands are completely firm hold them briefly in hot water so you can remove the plastic gloves.
– Decorate the hands on a plate and pour the raspberry sauce over them. Cut off some finger to make it look really dramatic.


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